BioFuels Automation sought assistance from JMS Marketing in building brand awareness among farmers looking to grow into ethanol and biodiesel producers. Although demand was only emerging, suppliers had already crowded the market, and BioFuels Automation needed a way to stand out at trade shows and in publications. With much of the competition literally "going green" in their branding, we easily got BioFuels Automation to stand out by highlighting their existing orange brand. However, since our audience had already set their minds on green, we needed to use our marketing message to show them the benefits of "going orange" instead.
Under the theme of "An Orange Solution for Enhancing Your Vision," I used the many ways the color orange has been linked to visual improvement as a simple metaphor for how BioFuels Automation assists their clients in turning their vision into reality. Using orange overlays to highlight important products, facts relating orange to eyesight, and humorous visuals to demonstrate visions gone awry, I not only made BioFuels Automation easier to see, but gave viewers a reason to look.
The resulting exhibit drew lots of attention—including on the cover of a biofuels industry publication. Soon after the campaign was expanded to cover many more shows, a series of educational courses, and even the company truck.