We all like to think of ourselves as good drivers, yet all too often we overlook what we see and hear in our cars to put off fixing even the smallest problems. Douglas Automotive came to JMS Marketing for a marketing campaign to overcome driver procrastination and direct more traffic into their shops.
Since computers and fuel injectors took over most of what's under the hood, most drivers really don't know much about auto repair, but they think it's going to cost a bunch of money. To overcome this mentality, I wrote and designed an ad campaign that turned abstract automotive issues into relatable ideas like melted ice cream and missed opportunities for some good luvin'. Once the ad campaign took hold, I helped expand the main design and copy elements to Douglas' other materials, including designing and developing a responsive Wordpress website that allowed customers to use any device to look up information, make appointments, and leave feedback.
The resulting materials gave Douglas Automotive a unique look and voice for the local market and helped drive conversions—and maybe little car knowledge, as well.